Hervé Barmasse

Hervé Barmasse

Hervé Barmasse is one of the most renowned Italian mountaineers. Also a writer, testimonial and alpine guide, Barmasse’s aim is to spread a healthy and respectful culture of sports and mountaineering spirit.

Hervé assigned ABC the promotion of his media persona, as well as the divulgation of his educational projects about safety and environmental respect.

To position Hervé and boost his image among Italian media ABC has launched a program of exclusive media trips with Hervé – winter and summer edition – in cooperation with his hometown Cervinia/Matterhorn. The exclusive possibility to challenge yourself with Hervé is a beloved one by many journalists, and their experiences make up the content of a broad range of articles in the most upscale and in-target magazines – which are vital exposure for Hervé’s testimonials contracts. Moreover, ABC supports Hervé’s visibility through a regular plan of press releases, one to one interviews and media contacts.

Within the first year of cooperation with ABC, Hervé Barmasse increased his visibility in the market. In the June-December 2018 period we collected 350 articles and some TV service with an overall advertising value of 32 mil. €. In early 2019 he was named among the most elegant Italian men by GQ/Conde Nast.